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Greater Charleston USBC Association All Star Teams, 2023-2024

The Greater Charleston USBC Association annually selects two five-member Youth All-Star Teams from its membership. Eligibility requirements include bowling a minimum number of games in the GCUSBCA Travel Scratch League and participation in the Greater Charleston USBC Youth City Tournament for the current season. The association also honors the highest average and highes series for the youth membership. Complete requirements may be found by clicking the button at the bottom of this page. When there are not enough eligible members to complete a team, only those who meet the eligibility requirement are considered.


The Greater Charleston USBC Association extends it congratulations to all of the All-Star Team members for thier selection to this year's teams!

Youth Teams


Ethan Crisp (captain) - 183

Rhett Blanton  - 178

Christian Conrad - 176

Kaleb Parker - 174


DeJai Hyche (captain) -  190


Danielle Fritz – 187


Jayden Suprenant – 176


Natalia Gallegos - 171

Youth High Average



Youth High Series



Youth Achievement Award



GCUSBCA Youth Scholarship Winners

Each year the SC USBC Association holds try outs for its four interstate all-star teams to compete against the states of Georgia and North Carolina. The GCUSBCA youth membership has always been well represented on the SC Interstate All-Star. This season is no exception.


The Greater Charleston USBC Association extends its congratulations to the following youth members for their selection to this year’s SC Intersate All-Star teams.

Boys 15 and Under

Girls 15 and Under

Boys 16 and Up

Girls 16 and Up

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